RYA Membership

Coastal & Ocean Yachtmaster Theory
Online courses that really work
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We strongly recommend that everyone who has an interest in boating joins the RYA

Its an investment not an expense

Join the RYA and get the most out of boating

Why join the RYA?
One of boating’s biggest attractions in this country is its freedom from rules and regulations.
By joining the RYA, you play an active part in keeping it that way. Your subscription directly supports our lobbying to keep legislation and bureaucracy at bay.
Plus they have a vast amount of expert advice and information for members to tap into, as well as a wide range of membership benefits.

By joining the RYA as a member, you add your voice and help them work effectively on your behalf. That’s why your support is so important. Encourage your friends, fellow club members and others you meet in the course of your boating activities to join the RYA too.

To protect the boating you enjoy join the RYA now. Joining the RYA or renewing your membership is inexpensive and simple – by phone, online or by post.

For more information on the benefits of joining the RYA click the banner.

Join the RYA online today

We are always happy to have a chat about your current level and which course would be the best for you.
The Navathome.com suite of courses is professionally written by fully qualified RYA instructors with a background in e-learning and computer programming.

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